Business support offers

Independent business support

The Cally Traders Association and council’s Inclusive Economy Service’s mission is a Cally economy that works for everyone. An economy that is locally rooted, socially just and has our community at its heart.

The Cally Local Economy Officer works to support businesses in the area through advice and in-person visits to discuss anything business-related. If you ever want to get in touch, please email

Please also see current business support opportunities below:

London Business Partnership: Free Business Rate and Property Support

Property Advice and Business Rates Service

Are you facing issues with your commercial premises? Thanks to funding from the UK Government, the London Business Partnership have partnered with property consultant experts, Gerald Eve, to provide FREE support and advice on any problems you are facing with your commercial premises.

They can provide support on a range of issues, including:

  • Business rates – including support to see if you are paying the right amount of rates and help to challenge your valuation if you are paying more than you need to be

  • Leases – if you have just moved to a new premise, or are having issues with your current lease

  • Landlord and tenant concerns

  • Help with finding a new premise

  • Dilapidation of your premise

  • Referral to legal advice if necessary

  • … or anything else to do with your commercial property

If you would like to access the support, please follow the link below to fill in the registration form.

Click here to register for your free support

Energising Small Business Grants

Islington Council is committed to helping local organisations improve their environmental performance and reduce their operating costs through the Energising Small Business grant scheme.

Grants are for works that will improve the energy efficiency of the premises of your organisation or minimise its carbon emissions. Grants are available of up to £1,500 for measures such as upgrading your lighting to LEDs or purchasing a new efficient fridge/freezer, and up to £5,000 for replacing a gas boiler with a heat pump.

To apply for the grant, please visit: Energising Small Business | Together Greener (

Federation of Small Business – discounted membership for businesses in Islington

Islington Council have joined with the Federation of Small Businesses to offer Islington’s small businesses discounted 2 year FSB membership (up to 80% off a membership!).

Who are the Federation of Small Businesses?
FSB is a non-profit, non-political organisation aimed at helping small businesses succeed.

What does my business get out of joining? 

  • 1,500+ legal documents and templates 

  • Up to £100,000 tax protection 

  • 24/7 HR, legal and tax advice helpline

  • Savings with member-only deals 

  • Local networking and support 

And much more!  

Why is Islington Council offering this discount? With discounted FSB membership, businesses are able to access the support and services they need to do flourish without breaking the bank.  

Follow the link to register and gain access to legal advice, debt recovery, financial expertise and more: Discounted membership to the Federation of Small Businesses | Islington Council

Grow London Local - free multi-area support to help your business grow

This support provides your small business with access to a free digital platform that connects SMEs with support - across a variety of areas including - but by no means limited to - social media/marketing, funding, creating business strategies and cash flow/accounting. Have a query? Take a browse at the solutions online here.

🎉 You can also access FREE specialist advisor support. During your consultation, you can talk to your advisor about your most urgent business needs which will guide you to the most relevant support. This might include:

  • Accessing finance for your small business

  • Finding relevant programmes or events near you

  • Boosting your marketing and sales

  • Upskilling yourself or the team

  • Anything else you need to grow your business

Access this support here.